Sales Forecasting
Forecasting is an out-of-the-box feature of every Calqulate dashboard and its the perfect tool to help a company reach growth goals and stay ahead of whatever's coming.
Forecast Recurring Revenue
Forecast a company’s Monthly Recurring Revenue and be sure about growth. Calqulate's charts merge actual and forecasted numbers seamlessly. For example, you can create a new sales forecast for the following segments:
- Country
- Product and Plan
- Customer
- Currency

Cashflow forecasting
Sales forecasting is an essential part of cashflow forecasting. Calqulate's automated cashflow forecasting tracks invoice payments and sales forecasting.

CAC and LTV Forecasts
Forecast Customer Acquisition Costs and Lifetime Value and know when it's time to invest in growth or focus on retention.
- Churn and ARPA forecast
- LTV to CAC ratio
- Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
- Months to recover CAC

Sales Forecast Parameters
Use Calqulate's smart and intuitive sales forecast forms to make growth forecasts by Product, Plan, Country and Currency.
- Number of New Customers
- Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA)
- Subscription payment terms
- Churn %

Seamless Forecasting
Calqulate's unique calendar view lets you seamlessly combine actual and forecasted numbers in all charts and in all dashboards.
- Display actuals until a certain day
- Seamless continuation of forecasted numbers
- Combine 5 years of actuals and 5 years of forecasts in the same view
- Great for Board and Investor reporting!